This is a ceremony for deepening connection to the earth and the heavens, your ancestors, and the promise you were born with. results may vary, and can include synchronicities, prophetic dreams, and even miracles. this recipe is not one that should be followed to perfection. in fact, i encourage you to follow your intuition. spring and waltz through the steps, so your heart can land into it with full presence. bring your own spices and grandmother’s wisdom.
ingredients of central essence:
1. a flat surface
2. a large jug of water for spiritual connection & to quench the thirst of the dead
3. salt, a knife, or precious stones in red & black for protective measures.
4. (this is important) intention. clarity of purpose for the ceremony
5. a candle to reflect your intention, and bring warmth and connection
optional ingredients:
(every altar is different)
– money & rare coins
– rosemary, calendula, & other herbs
– photographs or heirlooms of your departed if on hand
– perfume & cologne
– tobacco & candy
– a pen & paper
– florida water or herbal spritzer
– dried herbs or incense to burn
– small musical instruments
– cleansed crystals or rocks
– cards or a pendulum
– food your ancestors would love
– a fork, a spoon, a knife
1. create a circle of salt for protection – literally or figuratively.
2. fill jug with freshwater & place on flat surface, any will do. after a day or 2, you may notice the water level to be lower; this means your offering was accepted. regardless, replace staled water regularly with freshwater to re-energize the space.
3. bless your trinkets with florida water or smoke before setting them down.
4. prepare food with gratitude and memory. if it’s not prepared by you, carry and express these emotions with your plate before setting it down. dispose of it at will. some say you can eat it with them, some say you can’t
do what feels right to you and your cultural background.
5. before lighting your candle, dress it with herbs & oils, even carving your name, an emblem, or wish unto it.
6. affirm that this is a space for ancestors that support, love, and guide you in every way. you may do this verbally, with music, with a pen & journal, or with a silent intention.
7. sit by your altar. you may meditate, journal, or pray. you might sing, ask questions, or reflect.
8. have an intentional closing of the space to ensure that the energy of the ceremony is complete.
9. repeat when you feel called.
Divination practices, while helpful, aren’t necessary for communication. We are all born with the ability to communicate with the spirit world. this can be a simple practice of speaking and listening. ask questions at your altar; you may receive a knowing in response during ceremony. You can also request the response to show up as a sign. you will hear, see, know it when they come. (perhaps you ask their name, and you can’t stop hearing this one name wherever you go. or maybe you want to know what herbs will connect you to them–ask and it’ll come in a dream or perhaps an offering from a friend.) You can also invest in an ancestor reading with a trusted practitioner. prepare for synchronicities.
Ancestors are always a call away, music, cologne, a little of what you’re eating, or a book you’re reading, etc.
Specificity of intentions is so important: find clarity in purpose and let it anchor you into the experience.
Reciprocity and respect are integral to good relations. Pour and serve offerings to your dead before asking for favors. work with what you have; they will understand.
Learning the native language of your ancestors is radical & your family will understand you when you’re speaking the language that comes most naturally to you.
Ancestors are still human with debts, pain, & growth: your healing and expansion is intertwined.
Your altar is an extension of you and you are a walking altar.
What can your birth chart tell you about your connection with your ancestors?
Seeking information on your ancestors and telling their stories will take you to locations you never dreamed of going. They communicate to you via technology, wind, music, numbers, and writing.
Your relationship to memories of home molds your shape as you act as a vessel for your ancestor’s most profound expressions. You are magic.
Warmth and belonging are worth risking it all. It takes a lot of heart to plunge into the darkness in search of your roots. Trust it’ll light the way to rise again, renewed & beating stronger than before.
To have your needs met no matter what. Ancient forms of gratitude keep the world spinning. Simple rituals are the most effective, their wisdom is in your smile, mannerisms, and your great taste.